Style and voice

I've got my act together and started writing again, not with vengeance, but definitely with purpose.  I have a few things concerning me though. Firstly, I can feel my style evolving as I write more and more, but what's concerning me is the voice of the piece. It's so plot driven and I don't feel like my heroine's voice is coming through. She needs to develop into wanting to be a fairy, but I haven't found that transition coming though. She's either resentful of turning into a fairy in the early chapters or wanting to be a fairy in the later chapters.

I keep hearing other authors voices from Youtube videos saying, "Complete your first draft before you edit". And so I keep writing. Some of the secondary charachters seem to have a really strong voice in my head, but Thelba still feels like he/she is developing, even though her arc and plot is all mapped out and the novel is over half way written.

I've also set myself a rule now. No storybook illustrations to be done until I have done at least an hour of writing. It's helping and I've bitten the bull by the horns and started the chapters I was dreading - which is onboard the ship.

I was putting this off because it meant not only dealing with stuff I had to research but introducing a tonne of periphary charachters. Thank god i had done the research though. It;s a good foundation and source of reference for when I am getting stuck. My Scrivener refernce file is full of charachter notes, ship commands and a break down of each part of the ship, sailing manoeuvres, and roles and functions of each member of the crew. I find myself flitting between different parts almost every sentence, so am glad that scrivener has the split screen mode.


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